The Problem With Squirrels Hanging Around Your Dallas Property

April 15, 2021

Fluffy tails. Playful nature. Hoarders of nuts. What creature comes to mind when you think of these things? Squirrels, right? Most people have a fairly neutral opinion about these bushy-tailed, tree-dwellers. What you might not know is that squirrels in Dallas are naturals at getting into trouble. If you have never taken a second to think about the problems these invasive pests might cause around your Dallas property, here are a few things you should consider.

gray squirrel and an acorn

Some Facts About Squirrels

Squirrels are the type of creature that seem like they would make good pets. Spoiler alert, they do not, or at least they aren’t when you are not an animal expert that knows how to tame exotic creatures. To give you a better idea of why squirrels don’t make the best pets, here are a few facts to help you better understand these property pests.
Squirrels love to hide their food and will often dig holes and destroy property to do so. They even have a built-in compass that will help them find their buried snacks when under a foot of snow, something we don’t see here in Dallas.
A squirrel’s teeth never stop growing. To keep these teeth at a reasonable length these pests will chew on anything and everything in their way. When the weather is too cold, hot, or stormy squirrels use their dexterity and sharp teeth to break into homes and outbuildings, and may have to be removed from your attic.
There are very few creatures as intelligent as squirrels. This is proven in several ways. For one, squirrels dodge and weave when avoiding prey. They will also fake burying their nuts so that observant thieves nearby don’t know where to dig. There have even been studies done where squirrels are put through complex courses and rewarded for completing them in a reasonable amount of time, which most of them do.
Due to their not always clean diets, squirrels are often carriers of dangerous diseases. Some of the more common diseases these invasive pests spread to humans include salmonellosis, leptospirosis, and rabies. 
When squirrels invade a home, they aren’t always alone. Sometimes these pests carry fleas and ticks inside with them. These smaller blood-feeding pests spread a laundry list of diseases to both humans and animals including Lyme disease, Rocky Mountain spotted fever, and the bubonic plague.

Some Strategies To Keep Squirrels Off Your Property

Many strategies help in keeping squirrels off properties. If you have some spare time on your hands and are willing to put in a bit of work, here are some great prevention tips our experts recommend:

  • Install a fence around your yard and garden areas.
  • Avoid feeding squirrels around your property.
  • Plant plants squirrels hate such as daffodils, allium, lily of the valley, and peppermint.
  • Pick up fruits, nuts, and berries that fall into your yard.
  • Clean up thoroughly after outdoor gatherings.
  • Repair damage to window/door screens.
  • Address issues with your home’s siding, roofline, and shingles.
  • Fix leaky piping and fixtures around your home.
  • Make sure your gutters are working properly.

A Better Way To Handle Squirrels

Squirrels aren’t the type of pest to go away when you ask them to and might fight back if you try to force them to leave. To avoid putting yourself in harm’s way and still get rid of the squirrels plaguing your property, get the experts at Brinker Animal Removal involved. 
We have the tools and training needed to safely and effectively remove these pests and would be happy to put our expertise to use to help you out. Give us a call today to learn more about animal removal or find a time to have your home treated for squirrels.

Tags: squirrel protection | squirrel control | squirrel prevention |